R Divisional Instructions


Judge Shepherd participates in e-service. The Court will accept motions and notices of hearings via email in PDF format. The Court will not accept any filing via email that is more than 10 pages long. The Court will not accept any email that is an ex-parte communication, so please copy opposing counsel.

Local Rule 4

The Court expects strict compliance with Local Rule 4.

Prior to setting a matter for hearing, the party or attorney noticing the motion/matter shall attempt to resolve the matter and shall certify the good faith attempt to resolve. All notices of hearing for matters scheduled for hearing shall set forth directly above the signature block, the below certifications without modification and shall designate with a check mark or other marking the specific certification which applies:

"Counsel has conferred with all parties who may be affected by the relief sought in the motion in a good faith effort to resolve or narrow the issues raised."

Email communications with the Judicial Assistant are limited to scheduling matters only. Ex-parte communications will not be considered.

Scheduling Hearings

All hearings must be set by emailing or calling the Judicial Assistant (CAD-DivisionR@pbcgov.org or (561) 355-3116).

Motions 30 minutes or more:  All motions must be filed with the Clerk of Court prior to contacting the Judicial Assistant for a hearing date. Any relevant authority not cited in the motion shall be provided to the CAD no less than 72 hours prior to the hearing.

Please note that on all notices of hearing, the Americans with Disabilities Act instruction page must be either attached or included at the end of the notice. (See Divisional Forms & Orders on our webpage).

Motions for Emergency Hearings

Upon receiving a motion or request for an emergency hearing, the Judge will determine whether an emergency exists. Parties should know that when a movant files a Motion for an Emergency Hearing with the Clerk of the Court, the Clerk immediately hand delivers the motion to the Judge’s office. The Judge will then review the Motion and determine if it is an emergency and if an expedited hearing is warranted. If an emergency exists, the Court will schedule an expedited hearing. Motions for emergency hearings by their very nature are only those matters of extreme urgency and constitute matters of life and death or instances of potential irreparable harm.


(updated 3/15/2024)

Motions to Suppress/Dismiss or other motions that require an evidentiary hearing or are longer than a 15 minute hearing must be filed and heard no later than 10 days prior to Calendar Call.

Motions in Limine ~ not requiring evidence ~ will be heard prior to jury selection if they require 15 minutes or less.

Any motions in limine which may result in audio or video redactions must be scheduled and heard with sufficient time to allow for redaction.

PLEAS ~ Calendar Call dates are posed on this website. The Court will accept pleas for cases set for Calendar Call throughout the week of Calendar Call (Tuesday through Thursday at 3:30p.m.), but not once the first day of the trial period begins. The trial periods are also posted on this website. The trial period typically begins the Monday after Calendar Call and proceeds for three (3) weeks.

The Court uses the Traditional (Random) Jury Box selection method. Please see the Order posted on this website for further explanation.

It is the responsibility of the party/attorney to request an interpreter if needed for the Defendant or any witness by emailing CAD-ALLCOURTINTERPRETERS@pbcgov.org. All requests must be received 7 days in advance of the scheduled proceeding.

Courtroom Media Request

The attorneys are responsible for coordinating any equipment needs by completing the online Media Request Form to either request equipment or to request assistance to facilitate the use of their own equipment. Requests should be made no later than 24 hours prior to the first day of trial. The Judicial Assistant will not be available to assist with last minute requests. Our IT Department is very capable and willing to help if given proper notice. Also, please arrive early to set up and test your equipment prior to jury selection.

Proposed Orders

In compliance with the Florida Supreme Court's Administrative Order (AOSC 19-74), all proposed orders must be submitted in Word format through the Online Services (OLS) system or the Florida e-filing portal.

Agreed Orders

Please do not present proposed agreed orders in court for matters not on the docket.

Proposed orders for matters not on the docket shall be submitted through Online Services (OLS). The agreement shall be indicated either on the face of the proposed order or in an attached email. Please provide the written agreement for an agreed order as an attachment with the proposed order or emailed to CAD-DivisionR@pbcgov.org. It is the responsibility of the proponent of the agreed order to provide written agreement at the time the proposed order is submitted. The Judicial Assistant will not contact opposing counsel to confirm assent if that agreement is not submitted contemporaneously with the proposed order.

If the agreement of the parties is not provided the proposed order will not be signed.