Zoom Information
Effective Monday, June 21, 2021, Status Checks and Case Dispositions may be heard on Zoom or in person. If you wish to appear on Zoom for these hearings, the Zoom link is listed below and remains the same for every morning docket:
- US Toll-free 877-853-5257
- US Toll-free 888-475-4499.
For those on Zoom: Please note: the lawyers/parties present in the courtroom will be addressed first.
1. Proper attire is required.
2. Counsel's video must be activated.
3. Everyone shall label themselves with first name and last name.
Procedure for Submitting Proposed Orders
In compliance with the Florida Supreme Court's Administrative Order (AOSC 19-74), dated November 1, 2019 all orders shall be signed electronically by the Court. Division R will no longer accept orders submitted via email. All orders must be submitted in Word format through Online Services (OLS). Proposed agreed orders which show the agreement on the face of the order (in writing) may be dropped in the bin in the courtroom at the Clerk's desk. For further instructions, please review the Divisional Instructions.
Zoom Hearings
The Court permits nonessential hearings via ZOOM. Zoom hearings are available, however, the courtroom is open to lawyers, litigants and the public. The Court will address the cases in which the lawyers/parties are present in court before those who attend remotely. Please contact the Judicial Assistant to schedule a hearing.
Please refer to Division R Instructions for answers to frequently asked questions and guidance on division practices.