RL Divisional Instructions

ALL hearings are specially set and most are conducted remotely.  There is no UMC.

Small Claims Pre-Trial Hearings are conducted on Tuesday afternoons IN PERSON in Courtroom 6-K.  Zoom and phone appearances are NOT permitted for PTH.  The PTH may be waived by written stipulation filed PRIOR to the hearing unless otherwise prohibited in the Order setting hearing.

Please utilize the special set hearing times available through the Online Scheduling system for all motions.

Special Set Hearings:

Division "RL" online scheduling is for special set hearings of 15/30 minutes only. Motions that require more than 30 minute hearing must be requested and set by the JA (do not combine several special set openings to make a 1 hour special set hearing; they will not be heard).

For hearings more than 30 minutes, the moving party is required to email the Judicial Assistant at CAD-DIVISIONRL@PBCGOV.ORG a request for a special set time/date, include a copy of the Motion, indicate how much time needed for hearing and provide case number and style of the case. IF your case settles, is voluntary dismissed, or stayed, and there are future hearings or trials scheduled, please contact the JA via email.

Online Services

Remote hearings will be conducted via Zoom, unless otherwise agreed, in which case the parties shall advise the Court at CAD-DivisionRL@pbcgov.org which method of conference call, CourtCall, Zoom, or other arrangement is agreed upon. 

All Memorandum of Law, Briefs, Responses, copies of case law, courtesy copies of Notices of Hearings/Motions, etc., for the Judge's review should be sent to the Court at least 5 business days in advance of the scheduled hearing date/trial date. Memoranda shall not exceed ten (10) doubled spaced pages, with highlighted legal authority. Parties are encouraged to upload any hearing materials to the Court via e-courtesy or email. Hard copies of documents, binders, etc will not be accepted.

Proposed Orders:

All proposed order for Division RL shall be submitted in WORD format to the 15th Judicial Circuit Online Services through Online Services