X Divisional Instructions

PLEASE BE ADVISED, the Judge does not monitor Division X's email inbox;

the Judicial Assistant does.

The CAD email address is for:

  • Obtaining available dates/times from the Judicial Assistant to coordinate a hearing
  • Supplying the Court with courtesy copies of documents that are fifteen (15) pages or less
  • Providing proof of agreement on all proposed Agreed Orders

Prior to contacting the Judicial Assistant, all Motions must be filed with the Clerk of Court. All emails should include the case number, the defendant's name, and state the amount time both sides need for the matter to be heard. The Court will not accept any e-mail that is ex-parte, ALWAYS COPY OPPOSING COUNSEL. If you were recently retained, please forward an efiled copy of your Notice of Appearance before requesting a hearing date.

Courtesy Copies

The Court accepts courtesy copies of motions, responses, notices of hearings, and case law via email in PDF format. All Motions, Responses & Notices must have the e-filed Clerk's timestamp. DO NOT SEND ORIGINALS. Any document which exceeds fifteen (15) pages in length must also be submitted as a hardcopy via the black Judge's box located on the 1st floor of the courthouse (preferred) or postal mail. All proposed Orders must be submitted via OLS in Word format, attachments are PDF format.

The Court greatly appreciates written responses and case law be provided on all specially set hearings at least one (1) week prior to the hearing. If documentation is over fifteen (15) pages in length please deliver hard copies in a binder, labeled, and tabbed appropriately. Written responses are required in all dispositive Motions and Evidentiary Motions.

Local Rule 4

The Court expects strict compliance with Local Rule 4.

Prior to setting a matter for hearing, the party or attorney noticing the motion/matter shall attempt to resolve the matter and shall certify the good faith attempt to resolve. All notices of hearing for matters scheduled for hearing shall set forth directly above the signature block, the below certifications without modification and shall designate with a check mark or other marking the specific certification which applies:

Counsel has conferred with all parties who may be affected by the relief sought in the motion in a good faith effort to resolve or narrow the issues raised.


All matters shall be set through the Judicial Assistant and NOT the Clerk of Court.

For matters of Ten (10) Minutes or Less

Before contacting the Judicial Assistant, the Motion must be filed. Please email a copy to CAD-DivisionX@pbcgov.org with the filed copy of the Motion (not the original), all supporting documents, and the anticipated amount of time both sides need for the hearing

  • When filing a Motion for Bond/Bond Reduction, a courtesy copy of the Probable Cause Affidavit and Information MUST be provided.
  • When filing a Motion for Early Termination, a courtesy copy of the "Plea sheet" MUST be provided.
  • When filing a Petition to Expunge/Seal, a courtesy copy of the Petition, Affidavit, FDLE Certification, along with the proposed order, MUST be provided. PLEASE contact opposing counsel BEFORE requesting a hearing date in order to determine if an Agreed Order can be entered, and forward the State's response and/or JAC's response to the Judicial Assistant.

Once a date and time is agreed upon by both parties, please timely file the Notice of Hearing and copy the Court via email to CAD-DivisionX@pbcgov.org Please do not file a Notice of Cancellation without prior leave being granted by this Court.

For Matters of Fifteen (15) Minutes or More, Specially Set

Before contacting the Judicial Assistant, the Motion must be filed. Please send an email to CAD-DivisionX@pbcgov.org with the filed copy of the Motion (not the original), all supporting documents, and the anticipated amount of time both sides need for the hearing. Once a date and time is agreed upon by both parties, please timely file the Notice of Hearing stating the amount of time that has been reserved for the matter. Please do not file a Notice of Cancellation without notice and prior leave being granted by this Court. 

Pretrial Detention Hearings (F.S. 907.041(5)(a))

Pretrial Detention Hearings are required to be heard within five (5) days from date of order. At the Court's discretion these hearings may be referred to TD Division. 

Motions to Suppress, Motions in Limine, and Motions to Dismiss

All pre-trial Motions must be timely filed and submitted well in advanced of Calendar Call or trial. Motions that require an evidentiary hearing or are longer than fifteen (15) minutes should heard during the Court's Motion Weeks prior to Calendar Call. All applicable case law must be submitted to the Judge at least five (5) days prior to the hearing. Written responses are required in all dispositive Motions and Evidentiary Motions. The Court requires any written responses and all applicable case law be submitted to the at least one (1) week prior to hearing.

Motions to Continue

Motions to Continue must be made in writing and filed with Clerk's office prior to requesting a hearing or prior to submitting a proposed order. Your Motion must set forth the grounds for continuance and the case status of speedy trial. ALL WAIVERS OF SPEEDY TRIAL MUST BE IN WRITING.

A copy of the filed Motion and proposed agreed order may be presented in lieu of a hearing. Proof of parties agreement must be presented in writing via either e-mail to CAD-DivisionX@pbcgov.org or attached to the proposed order in OLS in PDF format.

The Court strongly encourages Motions to Continue Calendar Call be made timely and heard well in advance of Calendar Call. All Motions for Continuance must be made in writing and filed with the Clerk no later than four (4) weeks before Calendar Call. A hearing must be set for the Motion no later than two (2) weeks prior to Calendar Call, unless unforeseen and extenuating circumstances arise. Continuances of trial which are set following Calendar Call will not be granted unless unforeseen, extenuating circumstances arise.

Petition to Expunge/Seal

A courtesy copy of the Petition, Affidavit, FDLE Certification, along with the proposed order, MUST be provided. PLEASE contact opposing counsel BEFORE requesting a hearing date in order to determine if an Agreed Order can be entered, and forward the State's response and/or JAC's response to the Judicial AssistantWhen submitting a proposed agreed order, please attach proof of parties' agreement.

Motion for Appointment of Experts to Determine Competency

Please refer to Mental Health for Divisional procedures.

Proposed Orders

For matters not on the docket, proposed orders shall be submitted through Online Services (OLS). In compliance with the Florida Supreme Court's November 1, 2019 Administrative Order (AOSC 19-74), all orders shall be signed electronically by the court. Division X does not accept hard copies of Orders. Please submit your proposed orders in Word format and all supporting documents (the accompanying Motion & agreement of parties) in PDF format through the Online Services (OLS) system or the Florida e-filing portal.

Agreed Orders

Before contacting the Judicial Assistant, please confer with opposing counsel to determine whether an agreement can be reached on the matter. Agreed Orders may be submitted without hearing, except for those continuing trial, final violations of probation, and all other special set hearings in excess of fifteen (15) minutes. Agreed Orders for Continuances must have an accompanying Motion which sets forth grounds for continuance. Proof of agreement must be submitted in writing in conjunction as either: a PDF attachment to the order in OLS or submitted via email to CAD-DivisionX@pbcgov.org.

It is the responsibility of the proponent of the agreed order to provide written agreement at the time the proposed agreed order is submitted. If agreement is not submitted contemporaneously with the proposed order, and your proposed order maybe rejected.

If you need assistance with OLS (Online Services) please refer to the Court Technology webpage.


Determination for whether a matter is set for an Emergency Hearing is made within 24 hours of the request. The Movant must file a Motion for an Emergency Hearing with the Clerk of the Court and deliver said motion via email to the Judicial Assistant, who will submit the Motion for the Judge's immediate review. A "true" emergency is defined in Administrative Order 11.108-09/21:

The term "emergency" encompasses the foregoing ex-parte applications and other matters of extreme urgency, i.e., matters of life and death or instances of irreparable harm".

Media Requests

The Code of Judicial Conduct governing Judges prohibits them from discussing any pending cases with the media or the public. Regarding all media requests, please contact the 15th Judicial Circuit Public Information Officer, Richalyn Miller at RLMiller@pbcgov.org or (561) 355-4098.

Telephonic Hearings

  • Telephonic hearings will be held at the discretion of the Court and must be agreed to by both parties.
  • If granted by the Court, arrangements must be made through the Judicial Assistant. Please be sure to provide updated contact information.

Assistance with OLS (Online Services)

Please refer to the Court Technology webpage.


It is the responsibility of Defense Counsel to request an interpreter if needed by emailing CAD-ALLCOURTINTERPRETERS@pbcgov.org. Per Court Interpreters office, all requests must be received 7 days in advance of the scheduled proceeding.

Suggestions for Legal Assistants & Attorneys before you call or e-mail the Judicial Assistant:

  • Please review the divisional instructions & calendars, many answers can be found there!
  • Please ensure your Motions have been filed with the Clerk before requesting a hearing time and date. DO NOT SEND THE ORIGINAL. You will not receive a date until we receive an e-filed copy of the Motion.
  • If you are requesting a continuance, please indicate either in Motion or email an agreed upon timeframe for reset.
  • Check the court record for any future court dates - it may be possible for your matter to be heard on the same future date.
  • Please ALWAYS copy opposing counsel on your e-mails. This Division does not accept ex-parte communications of any kind. (If a specific State Attorney is not assigned to the case, please copy FELDIVX@sa15.org on your email.)
  • Please include the Defendant's name and case number in the subject line of your email. In the body of your email, please include the title of the Motion, and total amount of time needed for the matter to be heard & be sure to attach a filed copy of the Motion.
  • Proposed Orders submitted via OLS must be in Word Format: .doc or .docx. Any attachments submitted in OLS must be in PDF format!
  • When submitting agreed proposed orders, please attach a copy of the filed Motion & opposing counsel's email confirming agreement in PDF format. For Petitions to Seal/Expunge or other any Motions that require supportive documents to be filed and/or agreement from JAC, please attach their response and/or agreement.
  • For Defendant's with multiple case numbers, you must submit a separate order via OLS for each case.
  • Please indicate "JAIL TO TRANSPORT" on the Notice of Hearing when the Defendant is in custody and needs to be transported for an upcoming hearing.
  • Please do not file any Notices of Cancellation without prior leave of this Court. 
  • Please do not file any Notices of Hearing without confirming date and time is available with the Judicial Assistant. Failure to do so may result in the matter not being heard and/or cancelled.